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CONGRATULATIONS! Here’s One More Opportunity to Customize Your Order…

One of our prayer partners will be trekking up and down the narrow alleyways of the Ancient Old City of Jerusalem, through crowds of tourists, to carve out a space in front of the Western Wall just for your prayers to be heard… for the next 40 days straight, come rain, shine, or long security lines.

At Western Wall Prayers, we go the extra mile to pray on your behalf… but there is still so much more that we can do for you.

For example, ancient Jewish sources say that when a group of 10 men are together, the Shechina (the feminine presence of G-d) resides with them and their prayers are more easily heard.  Jewish texts teach the remarkable power of having a Torah scholar pray for you – his lofty level, pure thoughts and divine devotion make him the best prayer emissary around.  And lastly, King David’s book of 150 psalms, when said at once or over the course of time, has a special energy that can open up many gates on high for those who say them, especially at the Western Wall. 

We Had to Make a Choice…

We wish we could devote all of our resources and employ all of these ancient Jewish prayer secrets on behalf of everybody who comes our way. Unfortunately, we would quickly run out of manpower and energy trying to keep up. So, we got together and made a decision to offer more resources to people who support our cause by making larger donations to help poor families of diverse faith backgrounds in Jerusalem. 

Only a limited amount of people can take advantage of these opportunities at any time.

Incidentally, one of the ways to attract blessing, and obtain relief from harsh decrees, is to give more charity. In Jewish tradition, people donate 10% of their yearly income to charitable causes, and are promised much more in return.

Only a limited amount of people can take advantage of these opportunities at any time.


Exclusive Prayers

  • checkThe Rabbinical College “Bircas HaTorah” in the Old City of Jerusalem will recite a chapter of Psalms for you at their daily services.
  • checkThe Chief Rabbi of the Old City of Jerusalem, Rabbi Nebensahl, will recite a prayer on your behalf in front of his congregation. (Rabbi Nebensahl does not receive any proceeds from the program)
  • checkRequires $365 tax-deductible donation, the equivalent of just $6.75 per day.

Premier Prayers

  • checkEverything included in “Exclusive Prayers”
  • checkWe will secure permission from the Council of Rabbis in Israel to permit a group of 10 righteous Torah scholars to pray for you deep in the maze-like complex of the Western Wall tunnels, as close to the holiest point on the Temple Mount as you can get. They will pray there for you for 40 days straight, except for Shabbat and holidays, when the location is entirely off limits and at which time they will go to the Western Wall itself.
  • checkRequires an $1,800 tax-deductible donation

Choice Prayers

  • checkEverything included in “Exclusive Prayers”
  • checkA Rabbi will recite the entire book of Psalms on your behalf every day for 40 days straight at Western Wall. That’s 6,000 chapters of Psalms in total.
  • checkRequires a minimum tax-deductible donation of $3,600

Use The Form Below To Customize Your Prayer Experience

We’ve already deducted $95 from the package prices to reflect the donation you already made for our 40 Days of Prayer package.

[tcb-script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://form.jotform.me/jsform/80163741150447″][/tcb-script]

Secure Payment

What People Are Saying About Western Wall Prayers

On wednesday I had an interview for a job position. They called me to sign a contract, I am starting Monday. I want to thank you and my prayer agent for your help.

– Dominican Republic

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2001, and I asked you to pray for a complete recovery. My symptoms have improved since my agent has been praying for me. The possibility was also discovered that my symptoms may be due to heavy metal poisoning, which can be corrected with the help of God. Thank you for your kindness & concern.

– Florida, USA

For 8 months we were praying that Karina would have a successful court case and win custody of her daughter, Lindsey. There were many delays along the way, but we know that God is in charge of the situation and that everything happens for a reason, it is all part of God’s plan and we need to let it unfold.

Someone once told me, if I allow a rose to open, one petal at a time, then I have a object of beauty. But if I force it open, pulling its leaves apart, all I’m left with is a mess. After 8 long months we won the court case! Karina was granted joint legal and sole physical custody. She has been smiling all day and Lindsey is dancing and singing. Thank you so much for teaching us to pray, read the Psalms and give charity. It’s been a very positive force in our lives.

Sharon, Karina, and Lindsey
– Indiana, USA

© 2018 Jerusalem Prayers and Western Wall Prayers

Address: 56/14 Nachal Dolev, Beit Shemesh, Israel 99621

Telephone: (347) 457-3762Email: info@wailingwallprayer.org

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