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1 Tell us about your Prayer Request
2 Tell us about Yourself
3 Payment
  • Step 1: Tell us about your Prayer Request

  • (Maximum characters: 400)
  • (Maximum characters: 400)
    • Classic Prayers ($95):
      A dedicated Torah scholar will go to the Western Wall for 40 consecutive days to pray a personally-composed prayer for you, as well as others.  Minimum donation: approx. $2/day ($95 tax-deductible).
    • Exclusive Prayers ($365):
      A dedicated Torah scholar will go to the Western Wall for 40 consecutive days to pray a personally-composed prayer for you exclusively, Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah will say psalms for you together at their prayer gathering (minyan), Rabbi Nebenzahl, the holy tzaddik and Chief Rabbi of the Old City will say a special prayer in front of a congregation (Mesheberach) for you.  Minimum donation: $9/day ($365 tax-deductible).
    • Personalized Exclusive Prayers ($720):    
      A dedicated Torah scholar will go to the Western Wall for 40 consecutive days to pray a personally-composed prayer for you exclusively, and over the course of the 40 days, the entire Book of Psalms (sefer tehillim), or King Solomon’s Song of Songs (Shir ha Shirim) will be recited at the Western Wall, a Mesheberach prayer will be recited in a Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem on Shabbat, Rabbi Nebenzahl, the holy tzaddik and former Chief Rabbi of the Old City will do a personal Mesheberach for you, a portion of the Oral Law (Mishna) will be learned daily in your merit. Minimum donation: $18/day ($720 tax-deductible).
    • 40 Days at the Holy AriZal’s tomb ($540):
      A dedicated scholar will pray an exclusively-composed prayer for you at the tomb of the holy Kabbalist, the Arizal, in Safed, Israel. Minimum donation: $540 tax-deductible.
    • 40 Days at King David's tomb ($540):
      A dedicated scholar will pray an exclusively composed 3-part prayer for you at the tomb of King David (kever David) in Jerusalem. Minimum donation: $540.
    • Premier Prayers ($1,800):
      10 dedicated scholars (a minyan) will pray a personally-composed prayer for you together for 40 consecutive days at the holiest place where Jews are allowed to go – deep in the Western Wall tunnels across from the Holy of Holies. This excludes Shabbat, when they will pray at the Western Wall itself. Minimum donation: $1,800 tax-deductible.
    • Choice Prayers ($3,600): New
      10 dedicated scholars (a minyan) will pray a personally-composed prayer for you across from the Holy of Holies, a dedicated scholar will pray the entire Book of Psalms (Sefer Tehilim) every single day for 40 days (6,000 psalms total), Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah will say psalms together at their minyan, a Mesheberach prayer will be recited in Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem on Shabbat, Rav Nebenzahl, the holy tzaddik and former Chief Rabbi of the Old City will do a personal Mesheberach for you. Minimum donation: $3,600 tax-deductible.
  • (Tax-Deductible)
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