• Why do I have to pay to send a prayer to the Kotel?

    We are not asking for payment for prayers. No one can pay for prayer or Torah. We are collecting donations for families involved in Torah-learning as well as the Torah-institutions for whom they learn. In gratitude, we will go to great lengths to help your prayers get answered. As your donation increases, the number of families helped by your donation increases. So does our level of gratitude (although every donation is truly appreciated!) and to show our additional gratitude, we increase our efforts to elicit divine assistance for you.

    Praying 40 days means that your shaliach (agent) commits to being in the Old City of Jerusalem for 40 consecutive days. They cannot go out of town, not even for Shabbos. It also means that during their hectic schedule of family, learning, mitzvos and other, they remember daily to make that journey to the Kotel, regardless of circumstances, and focus on your needs.

  • How can I be sure that my prayer will really be done?

    We take care to choose only G-d-fearing, honest people. These people are keenly aware that G-d is always watching and that they will be accountable for all of their actions, good and bad. When one truly understands this reality, nothing in the world is worth intentionally missing a commitment. Also, because human error is possible, our shliachs each take it upon themselves to start over again if they accidentally miss a day. This has happened in the past, and each time the shliach began another round of 40 days with no extra donation requested. So, either way, you win. In the event of a missed day, we will contact you to let you know when your prayer will in fact be ending.

  • I don’t believe in Segulas and anything that does not have a direct Torah source.

    There are differences of opinion in the Nation of Israel as to whether a Jew believes in, or should spend their time doing, Segulas. Although the popular identification with the word Segula is that which is mystical and not grounded in Torah sources (like taking certain herbal drops as a Segula to improve one’s income), Segula actually means that which brings about a particular consequence. For instance, giving your children yummy treats is a Segula for having them like you. Being nice to your spouse is a Segula for having peace in the home. So, whether you fall into the category of those following mystical Segulas or not, this Segula in particular involves the fundamental Torah concepts of a) praying at the Wall b) giving charity at the Wall c) supporting families in Jerusalem and d) supporting Torah-learning and institutions in Jerusalem. So, you can feel comfortable that no matter what your particular Rabbi says about mystical Segulas, there is nothing inherently problematic with this one.

  • I want my prayer to be confidential.

    Your identity, prayer, and circumstances surrounding your prayer are kept absolutely confidential, unless you choose otherwise.

  • I want my success story to be confidential.

    As some situations are tender, we take care not to reveal one’s identity, or whereabouts without prior permission. When a person wants to remain anonymous, we give them an alias, a fake city and a fake picture, so that no one will ever know who they are. But, in other circumstances, names, pictures and stories are welcomed and a wonderful way to openly thank G-d.

  • Is it okay to get someone else to pray for me?

    Getting someone to pray for you does not eliminate any prayer responsibility on your part. There is a difference between mandatory prayer, like the Shema and Shemonei Esrei in Jewish prayers, and voluntary prayer. This Segula falls into the category of voluntary prayer. So, you can have any number of people (the more the better) praying for you at any time, and it doesn’t affect how much you should pray for yourself.

  • On which day will my prayer start?

    Your prayer will start between 2-7 days after your donation and details have been received. Return donors, and people in emergency situations can request that their prayers begin earlier.

  • Should I pray my specific prayer out loud on Shabbat?

    There is a prohibition for Jews to pray for personal requests on Shabbat. Rather, Jews should pray for the Klal (all people). Some Rabbis say that praying 40-days at the Wall is an exception to this rule. But, either way, those at home should think the prayer, rather than say it out loud. It still counts as prayer, but it doesn’t violate the no personal requests rule.

  • Why do you suggest for me to read a page of Tehillim (King David’s psalms)?

    King David’s psalms have a special mystical power to open up gates on high that allow many blessings to come into your life. They are especially powerful at the Kotel but can be said anywhere.